A modern, highly optimized arch-based linux distribution powered by KDE plasma.
-Built for looks, performance and ease of use.
+A modern, highly optimized arch-based linux distribution powered by KDE plasma.
+Built for looks, performance and ease of use.
Voice assistant bundled with yaerguOS, designed to be easy to use and to help the user with their tasks, provide info and more.
-Voice assistant bundled with yaerguOS, designed to be easy to use and to help the user with their tasks, provide info and more.
+Package manager with fast installation, wide variety of yaerguOS utilites, and not resource heavy.
-Package manager with fast installation, wide variety of yaerguOS utilites, and not resource heavy.
+Software center with a wide variety of apps from flathub including vscodium, vlc etc.. Built-in discover app from kde plasma.
-Software center with a wide variety of apps from flathub including vscodium, vlc etc.. Built-in discover app from kde plasma.
-Web Dev, new yns CLI and yns GUI